Saturday 10 October 2015

About him

Hey heyy :) okay as i promised yesterday i would talk about iqmal on the next post. This is actually the next of the next post.
Iqmal has same age as me, 19 years old. We studied at the same matric but i passed the matriculation and iqmal had to continue one year. Unfortunately he couldnt pass the mid sem exam and had been kicked out from the college. So he had to apply for diploma. The problem here is he missed the application date for public university.
Until now he doesnt continue his study yet while i am studying for my degree. His both parents dont want him to study at the private university because it costs a lot. They dont want iqmal to apply for  loan. Do u get it? Iqmal missed the application date for public university and his parents refuse to let him study at the private one. Then how iqmal can continue his study duh?

Pissed off

Hi diary. I am very pissed off right now. What on earth is happening to ladies nowdays throw their used pads in the toilet hole like omg please youre grown already. Think laa before do something. U are sharing toilets and bathrooms with others, so pls mind your behaviour. Did u do the same thing at your house or what? Causing the toilet hole clogs is very bad and rude and irritating and disgusting haiyaaa im so done. Here and there, this and that, aaaall clogged. Very irritating siaa. Irresponsible people should rot in hell *fed up*

Friday 9 October 2015

Problems begin

Hi, me again :) actually im feeling uneasy right now. Thats why i create this blog. U know what, since i was in my moms womb, ayah wanted me to be a doctor. But then my spm result wasnt that excellent tho. Got C for my bio. Very bad :( while everyone congratulated me, my ayah said nothing. After a week (i was sad and crying all day) then ayah said "thats okay la" and hugged me. Can u feel me? so i had to change my ambition and i chose to be an engineer. But but but, my matrics result was worseeeeee! It was above 2.0 and below 2.5 :((( i had nothing to hope. I was lower than my knee.
But then i got offered to continue my degree in construction tech at uthm. Alhamdulillah. Oh thank god! This construction thingy is my ayahs field laa wehh! Haha i was a bit happy. Only a bit :D
For me, education is sooooo important. But the uneasy feeling that i mean all above is actually about iqmal. I already write too long. Next post i will tell about him that makes me feel uneasy, confuse, serabut and pening kepala hotak!

First post

Okay this is my first post. Let this blog be my diary as i want a space to express my feelings out. A space that no one (whoever knows me) can reach me. A space that i can say whatever i want and curse whoever i want. A space that only has me myself in it. A space that can be my world.
So, tonight im gonna tell u about myself. I have a father who i call ayah, two elder sisters, kak tika and kak nurul and  i have a boyfriend named iqmal. They will be the ones that i talk about so much as they are the important people in my life.
I am a 19 year old and studying for degree at uthm in construction technology. I born and live in johor bahru. Thats all. Toodles ✌